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Archive for the 'Blogging' Category


For the hell of it, I've flipped my site's "sidebar" and my "content" areas. Why? For the hell of it! Weren't you paying attention? 🙂 Things should go back to normal soon… unless I decide that I like things this way. What do you think?

Blocked Blogs

My post on writing well received a TrackBack from another blog somewhere. Unfortunately, I can't see what was said about my post because the site is protected - a "members only" site. Since it (look at the URL) has "/executive/" in it, my guess is that it's a company site and you've gotta be an […]

10 Things to Improve Writing

I am going to read this. It's an article. The article is actually writing well. Actually, it's mostly about not writing badly. Everyone should read it. You should read it. I will read it. In fact, I just finished reading it. Mostly, it's good. If it's not violently obvious, the above is a fine example […]

Two Domains

I have two domains with Dotster that I'm willing to sell or give away. They are "NETSCRIBBLE.COM" and "TECHSTRA.NET." They might make good domains for blogs, particularly the prior. THe latter was a play on the words "tech" and "extra" so it too could make a good blog, although perhaps only one "tech"-related. The origins? […]

Full Feeds vs. Summaries

One of the discussions making the rounds (again) is "feeds: full vs. summary?" It's a good discussion, and one I've had with myself a few times. The answer I always come to: summaries. The reasons: Summaries encourage conversation because you can't comment from NNW. Summaries encourage people to visit the site. The site contains information […]


This article and a comment on this entry have got me thinking again: I've been flying a bit low lately. I want to get back to being an opinionated, outgoing person here on my blog. I want to write more and I want to write longer articles that have more thought. Lately, I've been tired, […]


Just as I arrived home to check my email, I began getting an inordinate amount of blog spam. By "inordinate" I mean nearly 100 spam comments. I immediately began clicking the links to remove the comments and add the blog spam to the MT-Blacklist, but for awhile, the rebuilding process wasn't adding the spamming domains […]

December 2003 Zeitgeist

Every month (since February 2003) I post my site's referral search terms (not what people search for on my site). It's an interesting peek that illustrates "how people are finding me." Here's December's…

MovableType 3.0

It doesn't seem that MovableType 3.0 is the same as MovableType Pro, though maybe it is. I don't know. Right now, all I know is that I'm dreading the day 3.0 comes out - I'll probably have to recreate my entire blog. I'll have to make sure MT-Blacklist works or go with the new model. […]

MT 2.6.5 – Pro Soon?

I've upgraded to MovableType 2.6.5. Where is the Pro version again? Did I miss that press release? Hellooooooooo? I guess a Christmas present it is not.

November 2003 Zeitgeist

Every month (since February) I post my site's referral search terms (not what people search for on my site). It's an interesting peek that illustrates "how people are finding me." Here's November's…

Blogroll Update

Did a slight blogroll update, removed a few people, etc. I now have 101 subscriptions, but one of them is my own, so that makes for an even 100. Why do I subscribe to my own blogroll? I guess so that I can see if I've screwed anything up.

October 2003 Zeitgeist

Every month (since February) I post my site's referral search terms (not what people search for on my site). It's an interesting peek that illustrates "how people are finding me." Here's October's…


Like everyone and their brother, I too have now installed MT-Blacklist. Some things I like, don't like, and want to see changed: I don't like that it's retroactive. I hope no previous comments qualify as spam, because I've deleted any and all spam comments posted to my site. I have none. What if it deletes […]

Easy Comment Deletion

Thanks to Judi, I've implemented this method of easily handling comment spam. What I'd really like is a link that does a few things: Deletes the comment. Rebuilds the entry. Adds the IP to the block list. All in one click. I don't plan to implement the comment queueing trick because I think that people […]