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Archive for the 'Apple' Category

WWDC 2K7 Predictions

What are your WWDC predictions? I haven't got many, but I do suspect we'll see some of those "secret" features in 10.5 - including a new look. I think the iPhone will be underplayed at WWDC because I think Apple will (wisely) hold off on releasing an SDK until they're sure they have the APIs […]

MacBook Pro Upgrade

The MacBook Pro is likely to be updated soon, but not before I'd really like to use it: May 28-June 3 and June 11-17. I'll be covering The Memorial and The U.S. Open both weeks and shooting a lot of images. The 12" PowerBook really won't handle the load very smoothly. What to do, what […]

banner Command

I never knew about the 'banner' command. Now I do. Nifty. Not at all useful, really, but nifty. 🙂

Eject Key Delay

Ever since I got my Mac Pro last year, the eject keys have been "slower" to react than they were on my G5. I'm using the same keyboard. I have the dual optical drive Mac Pro, but I don't think that makes much of a difference. By "slower" I mean that instead of tapping the […]

This dialog keeps appearing today. I've yet to choose "Keep Both," but it matters not whether I choose "This Mac" or "iDisk" - the dialog reappears a few minutes later.

Indeed, ripping at about 20 frames per second from two discs is nice indeed. The HandBrake icon seen is from the latest beta, 0.8.5b1. It could still use some UI help, but it does its job well, so I can't complain that much.

One Too Many Cocktails

Idiot. Update: This rivals a story Carey just told me. A woman and her child were at the zoo and the kid asked the mom why the penguins had bands around their arms. The mom's response: "So they don't fly away."

Panic’s Coda is Not My Style

Coda is out, and I can already tell you that it won't take me anywhere near the 14 days offered in the trial to know that I won't be purchasing it. Though I'm sure it has the usual sparkle and usability of a Panic app, the "one-window web development" idea is simply not my style. […]

If you save this script as a droplet, it will open files in BBEdit with text wrapping turned off (regardless of your default preferences). on open the_files tell application "BBEdit" open the_files with properties {soft wrap text:false} end tell end open Opening files with soft wrapping off enables BBEdit to open large files (say, 75 […]

So Maybe I Want an AppleTV?

Initially, I didn't want an AppleTV because I wasn't sure how hackable it was, nor did I think it would work really well with my current setup. That "current setup" is this: I have a third 500 GB drive in my Mac to which I've ripped some DVDs I own. I tend to do so […]

a) because I almost never use Spotlight b) this

Once I listen to a podcast, I delete it (except for the Golf Talk Podcast). I end up seeing this dialog rather frequently: It bothers me in a few ways, but the largest reason is that a completely destructive method is the primary choice. This is not only annoying ((People know that cancel = escape […]

With the iTunes 7.1 update, one of my more handy AppleScripts (see the first comment) for viewing all media no longer works: tell application "iTunes" set view of front browser window to library playlist 1 end tell I'm not sure why: "view" and "browser window" and "library playlist" all still exist in the iTunes suite.

Safari’s Memory Usage

Currently, with four browser windows open (with 1 tab, 1 tab, 2 tabs, and 12 tabs in each), Safari is taking up 727 MB REAL, 1.23 GB VIRTUAL. Earlier today, I shit you not, with about 50% more windows/tabs (a total of about 24 total pages loaded), Safari was at 2.77 GB VIRTUAL and over […]

Your Highlight Color

{democracy:8} And more importantly, what does our choice say about us? 🙂 Mine's currently set to purple, though in the past few months I've been changing it regularly. Blue or yellow are likely my all-time favorites.