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Archive for the 'Miscellaneous' Category

The RNC Polled Me

The Republican Party sent me a survey. Some of the questions are posted here: Do you support President Bush's tax plan recently passed by Congress to create more jobs and improve the economy? Should small business be encouraged to grow and hire more workers? Do you support President Bush's initiative to allow private religious and […]

Pittsburgh 14, Denver 17

And so our anemic offense costs us a game once again. Six points off of three turnovers. A dropped interception at the end, some soft play, and some lame penalties. That's all she wrote. It was a good game, and the Steelers defense really played well. The offense was horrible. Tommy was cautious - and […]

The shine is off of Tommy Maddox. Several bad decisions, several bad throws, and a completely absent running game left the Steelers not in Steel Town this evening, but in Shit Town. Everywhere you looked, the Steelers looked pathetic. The offensive line couldn't hold off a four-man rush. Zereoue couldn't hit a hole without trying […]

eBay Scam

Nearly two weeks ago I won an eBay auction for a GPS. I promptly paid - within minutes of the auction closing - plus $18 for USPS priority shipping and $5 for insurance. Today, my money was refunded to me. On the 23rd, my item was shipped. The shipper/seller did not provide a tracking number […]


Someone called me today offering me a chance to win something if I did something. I said "yeah, I'm on the National Do Not Call list, and that started today, so you can be fined." I got the phone number and headed off to the "How to File a Complaint" page at Unfortunately, that […]

Tennessee 30, Pittsburgh 13

Football is a game of numbers, and this one can be summarized pretty easily: Tenn Pitt First Downs: 9 25 Time of Poss: 24:10 35:50 Plays: 39 75 Rushing Yards: 40 69 Passing Yards: 158 307 I've left one off, and it's the most important: Interceptions: 0 2 Tommy Maddox was off today. Amos Zereoue […]

Season Premieres

Ed and The West Wing premiered this evening. I didn't like either. Ed - what are they going to do now that Ed and Carol are together? The whole damn show was about how they were meant to be together but couldn't be. Now (next week) they're throwing potato chip bags at each other and […]

Pittsburgh 17, Cincinnati 10

Ahh, the Bungles. Regardless of their record over the past, oh, since whenever the hell Boomer Esiason retired, the Bungles typically put up a pretty good show against the Steelers. Today was not a day for that show. Today was a day for Steeler football a bit like the way it used to be: 138 […]

20 Questions

From the 20 Questions site: You win, but the computer did guess it eventually You were thinking of a computer mouse. Is it a common household object? You said No, I say Yes. Does it bring joy to people? You said No, I say Yes. Would you use it in the dark? You said Irrelevant, […]

Survivor 7.01

Survivor - the original, the most truthful, the best - is back, and so are my weekly updates. I debated not doing them, but I get a kick out of them, and I don't care if anyone reads them. Besides, I know people will, and I enjoy the discourse. So one tribe this year is […]


Frankly, I'd have expected Dean to know better. I've read countless stories of bloat - and read many before I got my Flint - and am well aware of the harm (i.e. death) that bloat can bring. In case Dean hasn't stumbled across this tip yet, here's another: buy food dish "elevators" to raise the […]

Wireless Mouse

In light of recent announcements, I'd like to reiterate again how much I like my wireless mouse, the Logitech MX-700. I've got no less than eight buttons and a scroll wheel on this thing (the scroll wheel doubles as a button, of course). It's wireless. It's optical. It uses rechargeable batteries and has a recharging […]

Tihs Mkeas Snese?

This seems to be making the rounds today: Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, olny taht the frist and lsat ltteres are at the rghit pcleas. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. […]

Pittsburgh 20, Kansas City 41

Well, I can easily say that I'm glad they had this game early in the season. After last week's "not as close as the score tells it" 34-15 victory over Baltimore, the Steelers bumbled their way to a disappointing 41-20 loss today. Maddox was again quite good (more on this later), throwing near 60% (28 […]

Beating a Cub

People like this deserve the same treatment they've given to their victims - in this case a black bear - every day for the rest of their lives: "I was never mean to the bear. There was a couple of times I wanted to hit him over the head with a pipe or something but […]