Posted in Apple on July 13th, 2003 2 Comments »
To quote codepoet: 20th Century Voyage is by far the best screen saver I've seen written for Mac OS X. Against a beautiful background of two translucent Earths spinning counter to each other, all the major events of the 20th century are displayed (war, music, movies, politics, inventions, etc.) with random quotations from various history-makers. […]
Posted in Miscellaneous on July 12th, 2003 5 Comments »
I think it's funny when people don't know with whom they're discussing a topic. For instance, someone talking about the creator's intent when creating the Objective-C language contradicts something Brad Cox says on a newsgroup in the same discussion. That'd be a bad thing to do, because, well, Brad Cox is the creator of Objective-C.
Posted in Recurring on July 12th, 2003 No Comments »
Question: If you could find out something about your lover's sex life before you knew them, what would you ask? My Answer: I'd ask if her perception of romance has been fulfilled by the men in her past (sexually). If not, then I'd know to tread with caution, because an ounce of the Erik is […]
Posted in Computing on July 11th, 2003 No Comments »
Grrrr (the pair in the middle): Checking for rejected mail hosts: 4 4 4 3 : : 1 1 : : 1 Grrrr.
Posted in Recurring on July 11th, 2003 2 Comments »
Question: If you had to choose the best music to make love to, what would you pick? My Answer: Enya. Key words here being "make love" and not "fuck" or "have sex." The song "Wonderland" (the line "your body is a wonderland") makes a lot of sense to me, and I've never "made love" in […]
James Duncan Davidson didn't get a chance to mention BackLight on TechTV's "The Screensavers," but it's on their site anyway. Of course, we're grateful to JDD for giving us a little mention. I could point out, too, that this is not the first time BackLight has been mentioned on TechTV. In fact, it's at least […]
Posted in Computing on July 11th, 2003 No Comments »
I wrote yesterday that I don't suffer from Infornography. However, I do suffer from NADD: You enjoy the content fire hose. Give me tabbed browsing, tabbed instant messaging, music all the time, and TIVO TIVO TIVO. Welcome to NADD. NADD, or Nerd Attention Deficit Disorder, only affects me when I'm at my computer. I seem […]
Posted in Recurring on July 10th, 2003 11 Comments »
Question: If you were married (or if you are), what five celebrities are on "your list?" My Answer: By "the list" I mean the list of celebrities which - if ever presented the chance to - you're allowed to, uhh, "share a promiscuous adventure" without consequence. It's a fun game to see who each other […]
Posted in Miscellaneous on July 10th, 2003 5 Comments »
As an R.E.M. fan, it's interesting to see how their work comes up in the ITMS: Of the 14 albums, the top 10 (in order) are: Automatic for the People Reckoning Murmur Out of Time Life's Rich Pageant Green Document Eponymous Reveal Monster Not a bad list, and in what I'd call a fairly correct […]
Posted in Technology on July 10th, 2003 5 Comments »
Jeff writes about what he calls (or maybe someone else did and he's ripping them off) "Infornography." I know I haven't got a problem - I have a HipTop, errr, SideKick I rarely use. I gave away my Palm III. My 12" PowerBook goes largely unused. Sure, I'm online all day, but I'm also wandering […]
Posted in Personal on July 10th, 2003 5 Comments »
Florida takes your driving license away if you accumulate 12 points on your driving record in 12 months, 18 in 18, or 24 in 36. After three years, I guess your points drop off. Today I got mail claiming: Conv. Date Court Points Speed ---------- ----- ------ ----- 01-31-02 PALMBCH 3.0 PTS 50/35 08-26-02 GEORGIA […]
Posted in Computing on July 10th, 2003 3 Comments »
If you browse on over to you'll be told to include one of two URLs in your email because: Over time, if the idea catches on, spam filters will be trained to recognize emails containing the or link as legitimate. So, you will be able to increase your chances of getting an […]
Posted in Computing on July 10th, 2003 3 Comments »
Two or three years after the release of Mac OS X, Style Master 3.0 - a CSS editing app - is out. In that time, I've simply taught myself enough CSS that I don't need to use an editor, and that - in fact - I'm slower with an editor. Primarily, I had given CSSEdit […]
Posted in Recurring on July 10th, 2003 No Comments »
Question: If you could pick the most important characteristic a client of your services should possess, what would it be? My Answer: Dependability. That's a far-reaching "characteristic" - they get critical information - and your paycheck - to you on time. They are on time. They do what they say they'll do. You are encouraged […]
Posted in Personal on July 9th, 2003 7 Comments »
You sit in a comfortable chair, your feet often dangling. The scissors make quick, precise snips with an abbreviated "shhhhhhhht" sound. Your head is gently pushed and pulled this way and that. Your eyes are closed (to avoid the falling hair). Oftentimes, there's no conversation. Yes, indeed, haircuts are little zen moments. Regardless of the […]