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Archive for May, 2004

QotD: Beheading

Question: Have you watched the Berg video? My Answer: No. I began to watch one that was billed as having a "long intro" and I quit the player after about ten seconds. It was obvious to me that what was about to happen was going to be very real, and not a movie stunt, and […]

If you were to provide the list of default subscriptions in PulpFiction, what feeds (the URLs for them) would be in your list? Provide the URLs - including those to your own blog if you've got one - and there's a good chance they might show up in the default subscriptions list.

QotD: MT3

Question: What do you think of MT3? My Answer: I think people have missed out on the fact that they're relying on the honor system. I also think upgrading this blog was far more difficult than it should have been. Their "upgrade help" pages are rather lacking currently. Plus I think I have to figure […]

Trojan Horses

File this one under "if you're stupid enough to run a 108k 'Office 2004' Installer from a peer-to-peer network, you deserve to have all of your ~/ deleted": Intego, the Macintosh security specialist, was notified by Macworld (UK) on May 10, 2004 about a Trojan horse, discovered by one of its readers who downloaded and […]

MT3? Nah. Not Yet.

So MovableType 3 is out. I have two concerns: Pricing: it's now $69.95 at least. I only run one blog, dammit, and I gave them $50 over a year ago, and now I still have to pay another $25? Plugins: I use MT-Macro, MT-Blacklist, and MT-Timer. That's it. Yet I see no mention of how […]

Motorola v60 for Sale

Is anyone in need of a Motorola v60? I've got the wall charger and a very nice plastic belt clip. The phone is in excellent condition and currently set to work on Cingular's network. The first person to make a serious offer and PayPal the cash: the phone is yours. It sold for about $300 […]

QotD: Extension Manager

Question: Does Mac OS X need an "Extension Manager?" Something that, similar to its Mac OS 8/9 counterpart, could enable or disable InputManagers, contextual menu modules, kernel extensions, and so on. My Answer: I think that, if nothing else, there may be a tremendous market for a third-party here. However, I do feel that it's […]

Speedy Sheets

No, I'm not talking about the kind at a cathouse. Instead, I'm talking about: defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSWindowResizeTime .1 Thanks again to Mac OS X Hints.

QotD: Drinks

Question: What is your favorite drink recipe? My Answer: An easy one: half chocolate milk, half amaretto. Mmmmmmmm, warm. Smooth. Mmmm. 🙂 You are encouraged to answer the Question of the Day for yourself in the comments or on your blog.

Chris has posted a review of an advance copy of PulpFiction - understandably based on his own expectations, opinions, etc. - and I'm hoping that it's not in poor form to respond. After all, the dang thing ain't even out yet. I'll attempt to be brief. …the overall responsiveness is, well… not very. This has […]

There's been much discussion lately over the demo limitations we've chosen to place in PulpFiction. Currently, the demo limitation is 10 subscriptions. Full functionality - aside from this limit - is allowed. Filters, labels, AppleScripts, etc. In the interest of what I called yesterday "an open discussion" (among other things), I'm opening up the thought […]

QotD: Stalkers

Question: Have you ever had a stalker? Been one? My Answer: No, and no. Though I have liked and been liked quite a bit. Far from stalker levels, though. Thank goodness. You are encouraged to answer the Question of the Day for yourself in the comments or on your blog.


Perhaps I've missed some sarcasm, or I am not quite getting it, but I disagree quite a bit with this, what… "rant." As someone who's recently seeded "software amongst reviewers/ bloggers/ journalists," as well as someone who's reviewed software for MacAddict and his own 'zine (Apple Wizards), I certainly speak from experience here. I'm usually […]

I've got some code for a GUI app I never finished. The logic is done, the UI is hell. The logic is more a process than anything else. I'd like to convert it to a console app to be run on the command line. Unfortunately, I lack the time right now to do so, what […]

PulpFiction: ADVance (i.e. 1.0b5) has been seeded to beta testers. We're also sending advance copies to a few of your favorite or most prominent Mac bloggers, so look for some PulpFiction coverage around the Web this week. If you're interested in adding badges to your site, grab 'em here. You may also want to read […]