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Archive for the 'Personal' Category

Red Robin

I've made a few posts on my blog about my search for a decent burger. Thus far, the list includes In-n-Out, Five Guys, and even Fuddruckers. But none tops Lindburger in Delray Beach, FL ((They finally have a website! Only been about five or six years, minimum!)). Turns out I can add Red Robin (yum!) […]

Five Years

Carey and I have now been married for five years. Last year we forgot our anniversary until several days later. This year, no. What will we do? Nothing. 🙂 Like our birthdays, it's just another day. Carey plays in her golf league later this evening and I'll be at the Academy most of the day. […]

No Longer an Amateur Golfer

Though technically my time as an amateur golfer ended prior to this afternoon, I crossed a barrier today that cements my decision to become a golf instructor: I gave my first official lesson. I've been observing lessons given by Dave Wedzik for quite awhile now. My trip to Scottsdale, though ostensibly for the capturing of […]

Two reasons primarily, why forgetting your birthday is difficult in 2010: 1. Facebook tells everyone, so they post happy birthday wishes on your wall. 2. Every vBulletin forum to which you've ever subscribed (that's still in existence, anyway) sends you a "Happy Birthday" email. It's like a trip down memory lane… "Oh yeah, remember when […]

A Change of Profession

I may be "changing" professions soon. When I say "soon" I mean anywhere from several months from now to three years from now, depending on how you define "changing." At the same time, my new role will still involve a lot of the things I've done for years to this point - developing and selling […]

Dummy’s Guide to Buddhism?

This is a bit of a follow-up to my post from yesterday… I've read (or will read in more depth) Dan Benjamin's posts on Buddhism, but they're more so about meditation than Buddhism in general. I'd like to read a bit about Buddhism - not so much the ancient stuff, any conflicts, etc. - but […]

I didn't expect The Lost Symbol to change my life. I just started reading the book a few days ago, but as is the case with escapist type literature, it's best read in large doses so that you can remember the details and really almost transport yourself into the story. It's not the type of […]

The Lost Symbol, Christians Thread

Months after buying it, I'm finally going to get a chance to read The Lost Symbol. Though I'm sure a good portion (not to say even 50%) of the "stuff" in the book is grounded in fact, it's still basically purely escapist reading. I wonder, too, if the book follows the same paths as the […]

In Need of a New Avatar

For about a year or so I've used the old Rivet icon ((What's up with the new one?)) as my "avatar" in a lot of places. It was an icon I was proud of, as the idea for the software, the name, the icon, and so on were my own. If you didn't know what […]

Some Small Self Improvement

I'm proud of myself right now. I'm sure the feeling will fade soon enough, but for now, and at least the next 4.3 seconds, I'm proud of myself. I teased someone about something recently - I typically only tease people I like - and he completely misinterpreted what I was saying and got quite upset […]

Five Guys – Good Burgers?

I talked before about restaurants I wish Erie had, and today yet again Lindburgers (which still doesn't have an actual website) came up in conversation with a friend. He recommended a burger place called "Five Guys." The nearest is in Meadville, a 30-minute drive. The menu looks perfect and though it seems to be a […]

Christmas Shopping 2K9

Are y'all done? 🙂 We are. I'm sure we'll pick up a few stocking stuffer type things, but overall, we're done. The only thing I want this Christmas is a razor. I would direct family members and friends to this post, but they'll just give me money anyway and I'll buy the one I decide […]


They say that before you know it, they're gone. Today we're roughly 2555/6570 (38.9%) of the way there.

Today Vinay Venkatesh lost control of his motorcycle after he hit a rut. He was airlifted to Stanford hospital and died in surgery a short while later. I hadn't talked to Vinay much in the past few years. He was very busy (and very in demand) at VMWare. I came to the Mac development scene […]

So the wisdom teeth I said I needed to have removed? They came out today. I went with nitrous because it seemed like one of those decisions that you can regret later on… after it's too late. Turned out I really wouldn't have needed it at all. Both teeth popped out in about thirty seconds. […]