Posted September 27th, 2014 @ 12:11pm by Erik J. Barzeski
Daring Fireball: Apple Watch: Initial Thoughts and Observations
Apple Watch Sport (aluminum/glass): $349 (not a guess)
Apple Watch (stainless steel/sapphire): $999
Apple Watch Edition (18-karat gold/sapphire): $4,999
Shocking at first, but the more I consider it, the more accurate I think it is. Except the Edition price. I think that's going to be $9,999 or higher.
I've said I have zero interest in getting an Apple Watch. I've changed my mind. If I can use it as a remote to activate slo-mo filming on my iPhone 6, then that's worth about $200 or so of the $349 starting price. The other $149 might not be too difficult to make up.
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Posted September 26th, 2014 @ 04:10pm by Erik J. Barzeski
This, like Antennagate before, simply comes down to a basic lack of understanding of physics.
"When I apply a lot of force to this piece of aluminum, it bends!"
Reminds me of the old joke.
"Doctor, it hurts when I do this."
"Don't do that."
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Posted September 25th, 2014 @ 09:06pm by Erik J. Barzeski
Amazon Kindle: Your Highlights. Gotta remember this page. Duh.
P.S. They're supposed to sync to my Mac application, right? That's never seemed to work for some reason.
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Posted September 25th, 2014 @ 08:48pm by Erik J. Barzeski
Apple - Privacy.
They should have called it that, following Thoughts on Music and Thoughts on Flash.
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Posted September 24th, 2014 @ 08:26pm by Erik J. Barzeski
Using app-specific passwords:
If you use iCloud with any third party apps (such as Microsoft Outlook, Mozilla Thunderbird, or BusyCal) you can generate app-specific passwords that allow you to sign in securely, even if the app you're using doesn't support two-step verification. Using an app-specific password also ensures that your primary Apple ID password isn't collected or stored by any third party apps you might use. Starting on October 1, 2014, app-specific passwords will be required to sign in to iCloud using any third party apps.
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Posted September 23rd, 2014 @ 08:07pm by Erik J. Barzeski
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Posted September 22nd, 2014 @ 05:24pm by Erik J. Barzeski
iMessages are great. I like that you can name group conversations in iOS 8.
Leaving them doesn't always seem to work (perhaps everyone has to have iOS 8? Currently if I leave a group I still often get messages from that group).
But the troubling issue is that, a few times a day, a group conversation will suddenly spring up in a new thread. Someone will respond, and for some reason or another, that will be the first post in a new thread. Often the thread is unnamed, but sometimes it is.
My working theory is that this occurs when someone in the group is "unavailable" for data for some time, even briefly.
Deleting the "new" threads seems to work to let everyone get back to the existing thread, but even that doesn't always work.
NSLog(@"Finish Reading %d Words", 191); »
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Posted September 21st, 2014 @ 02:10pm by Erik J. Barzeski
I picked up the Apple Silicone case in bright green, but am eagerly awaiting the Tech21 case. My wife and kid both have one for their iPhone 5S and 5, and they're just the right blend of size versus protection (actually they seem to have an abundance of protection), and the right blend of grippy and sticky.
The silicone case is nice, and bright, but sometimes sticks when pulling it out of pockets, which makes it prime for catching at the right time and falling out of my hands.
iOS 8 has some bugs. None are show-stoppers for me. But one is annoying: I can't see all of my photos when I'm trying to change the wallpaper. What's up with that?
Also… I am trying out SwiftKey. It was free. I'd pay for another keyboard of I knew it would work well and I'd like it. SwiftKey is a foray into it. I like it, except that it's quite annoying when it gets a longer word wrong.
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Posted September 20th, 2014 @ 09:11am by Erik J. Barzeski
From this post the other day comes this article about the privacy settings you should change.
Like many people, I've been getting notifications about applications using my location data in the background. I thought I was supposed to be able to choose "While Using the App" but many of the apps only have two options:
For example, CardStar. I use it to keep a few cards (Lowe's, Wegmans, etc.) so I don't have to keep them on my keychain. I only want it to have my location when I'm using it, not Always.
But there's no "When Using" option. I'm only given the two choices.
What's up with that?
P.S. None of my apps have all three settings, as seen in the image below. Just two: Never/Always or Never/When Using:
NSLog(@"Finish Reading %d Words", 340); »
Posted in Apple | 3 Comments »
Posted September 19th, 2014 @ 07:34am by Erik J. Barzeski
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Posted September 18th, 2014 @ 09:08am by Erik J. Barzeski
Lowest Score Wins continues to do well. Here's a video Dave shot that can work with your 3-15 foot putts (an SV② skill).
Posted in Golf | No Comments »
Posted September 17th, 2014 @ 10:34pm by Erik J. Barzeski
Just a bunch of stuff…
My iPhone 6 arrives in two days. Meanwhile, iOS 8 is on my 5S today… 😀
Maps still crappy for you? Apple bolstering 'Report A Problem' Maps options in iOS 8
iOS 8 Features: Hidden New Features - How "hidden" they are depends on how large the rock under which you've been living is, I suppose. Most are pretty good though.
Get to know iOS 8: Changes in the Settings app - A good run-down.
Seven privacy settings you should change immediately in iOS 8 - Meh. I also don't have an "Only when Using" setting in most of my apps. And most of these settings are not new.
How To Fix iOS 8's Biggest Annoyances - Of course, not all of these are annoyances to all. Predictive text you can turn on and off with the little nub, for example.
18 hidden iOS 8 features you probably didn't know about - If you haven't set up your emergency contact card yet, please do so now. For your sake.
The iPhone 6 (Plus) Camera was reviewed really well. I think the cameras are identical in the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus except for optical image stabilization (6 Plus only).
A new Kindle? I want it.
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Posted September 16th, 2014 @ 02:38pm by Erik J. Barzeski

That was easy. I unlocked the three iPhones we have in our family just like that.
I filed a request (at Customer Device Unlock- Request). I waited at least 24 hours (though I probably didn't need to). I backed up and restored each phone.
Just like that, unlocked.
P.S. The iPhone 4S will be going to Gazelle, I believe.
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Posted September 15th, 2014 @ 07:24am by Erik J. Barzeski
Each are relatively easily explained. The coolest ones, though, are the the ones with water at the freezing point… And it's easier to get water at that point than you may think: it stays 32° until it all turns to ice.
I did notice too how the "screen/toothpicks" one, the top of the jar is out of the bottom of the frame. 🙂
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Posted September 14th, 2014 @ 07:42pm by Erik J. Barzeski
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