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I got a long overdue haircut today. Apparently, 1" is a good length for my hair, and I finally managed to convince the guy to cut it short enough. Finally.

Yes, I have a big forehead, but these magical things called "hats" tend to cover that up.

94 Degrees is Hot

They're calling for 90+-degree weather next week. I think I'll stay inside. But if I do venture out, perhaps I'll wear shorts when I play golf instead of pants?

Eye Pulse

Sometimes, I feel a pulse in my eye. It's annoying (and usually my left eye). If I rub it or push on my eye (gently, lid closed), the "pulse" feeling will go away for awhile, but it usually returns.

I get this "pulse" feeling every five or six months, and usually only for a day or two. The "pulse" makes it hard to look at anything - a movie, my computer screen, the golf ball I'm trying to hit, my wife (who I'm not trying to hit), etc.

What to do? I'm not stressed, so it's not that. I did eat a lot of sugar last week (I was all alone, remember?), but I don't know if that's it. It was, after all, last week.

Corn Hole Games for Sale

Here's an image I took on my cell phone in Ohio. If you can't quite make out the sign, it says: "Corn Hole Games 4 Sale".

07-07-06 1058

You can click the image for a larger version.

MovableType 3.3 Beta Testing Quiet

Judi mentions the quiet nature of MovableType 3.3's beta, and I can attest to the fact that I haven't tested it simply because I needed many of the plugins and things that the 3.3 betas made inoperable (like BigPAPI, Akismet, and others).

I haven't even checked to see if they work yet. I'll do that when 3.3 is actually out.

Email Spam Stats

Filtered Mail
77366 Good Messages
195659 Spam Messages (72%)
286 Spam Messages Per Day
SpamSieve Accuracy
243 False Positives
2230 False Negatives (90%)
99.1% Correct
2439 Good Messages
3939 Spam Messages (62%)
226901 Total Words
13 Blocklist Rules
5 Whitelist Rules
Showing Statistics Since
8/24/04 8:00 pm

Carey’s Back!

My wife returned from Ohio yesterday. Of the 36-hour "niceness" period, I have only about 12 remaining, and approximately eight of those will be spent sleeping.

Continuing FSS Drama

A good pal of mine and a great developer with a level head and a keen sense of the Mac market is looking to buy Freshly Squeezed Software from its new owner. The new owner - who has done nothing but sell the software without doing an ounce of support or software authoring apparently wants more for the company now than he paid for it!


QotD: Power Move

Question: What's your Power Move? Do you have any idea what one is?

My Answer: The only Power Moves I've been able to think of involve getting more distance from your golf swing. 🙂

You are encouraged to answer the Question of the Day for yourself in the comments or on your blog.

Congdon vs. ZeFrank

I, like this guy, will take "theshow" over "Rocketboom" any day. I think I only watched about four or five Rocketbooms… Good luck to Amanda. I didn't think she was that talented.

Steelers vs. Indy Replay

I watched my Super Bowl XL/Steelers 2005 DVD tonight. When the playoff game at Indy came on, I felt uneasy until the Denver game came on. Some small part of me still wondered if Ben would make the tackle or if I'd been somehow living in a dream (and no, the fact that I was watching a DVD of the Steelers' season didn't dawn on that small part of me).

Too many times, the Steelers have thrown away great seasons on dumb plays like that one looked like it was going to be. I remember watching it live, and I understood in the moments before Ben's tackle what it must be like to be a Red Sox fan. The Steelers may not have had 86 (or whatever) years of tragedy and humor behind them, but they'd had their fair share.

I say again: whew!

Independence Irony

As I drove past some dude getting arrested today on the side of the road (handcuffs and everything - no mere speeding ticket), I wondered whether the irony of being arrested on "Independence Day" would make the guy smile.

P.S. I'm fully aware that "irony" isn't the best word here, but it's close and starts with an "i" like "independence."

QotD: 2006 World Cup Semifinals

Question: Who will win the World Cup now that the semifinals are here?

My Answer: I'd like France to win (I was rooting for them when they won back in 1998), and I always pick the French team on FIFA for the PS2/GameCube, but I think Italy's defense will win out in the end. Germany won't be able to score and the French, though favorites, will be pretty tired. They're an old team.

You are encouraged to answer the Question of the Day for yourself in the comments or on your blog.

King for a Week

Woohoo! I am king for a week once again. Carey and the Little One are going to Ohio today through Friday.

To celebrate, I went to the grocery store and bought candy (for my TV/movie viewing), lots of beef (mmmm, grilled burgers every day), and ice cream (late night TV/movie viewing).

QotD: Summer Plans

Question: What are your summer plans?

My Answer: To golf a lot. Carey wants to go on a camping trip at some point, too, though I'm not sure how that will fit in very easily unless she wants to put up with some holiday crowds. My father-in-law is going to Europe with my mother-in-law's mother - a bit strange.

You are encouraged to answer the Question of the Day for yourself in the comments or on your blog.