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Update Whiners

Says Mac-Mike:

What is taking… so long in updating Safari? It's been almost two months now since the last release. And while they're at it, Address Book, iCal and Keynote could also use some work.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that this Mike fellow has never written software or worked in customer service.

Every software update is both "big" (for people on dial-up modems, creating customer service issues - those people prefer not to feel "left behind by 27 updates") and thoroughly tested. Why the hell should there be an update? No "final date" for Safari was set. Chill the heck out. Would you rather you get a nice, solid update or piecemeal improvements that break as much as they fix?

Chill out. I for one am fine with the pace. Write down all the new software that they've introduced - counting updates - in the past 12 months. Got your list? Is it five pages long? Close? Yeah, good, now be quiet and worry about important things.

Another One Bites the Dust

Matt is back from vacation and announces that he's engaged. Couldn't happen to a, uhh, more irate guy. In other news, I finally bought a coffee table. Not quite as romantic, eh? Oh well. Congratulations Matt. Congratulations Fiona.

Bush’s Speech

On Saddam Hussein:

Our sources tell us he has attempted to purchase 7 million hydrogen-powered doctors and the western wall of the Pentagon.

They seem to do this to every speech these days, but it's still kind of funny. Grab the one I'm "quoting" above here:

Final Cut/DVD Studio Pro, Shake, Logic Platinum

fcp4_box.jpgApple today announced the "Pro" series of software: Final Cut Pro 4, DVD Studio Pro 2, Shake 3, and Logic Platinum 6. I've already placed my order for FCP 4 upgrade (from FCP 3 Student). The sales person assured me that this was possible. If this turns out not to be true, well, I'll just check Apple employee pricing on FCP 4.

Now I just need some kind of project… My previous only other large project has been Apple Store: Wellington Green - The Grand Opening - a video I had posted here until I realized that MovableType was stupidly parsing the damn 35 MB movie for TrackBacks or something. Anyway, I'll think of something. My Sony DSR PD-150 is too good a camera to simply act as a pass-through for my West Wing DVD-making.

Blog Pals

A few friends of mine have gotten blogs lately, and I wanted to take this time to point them out. They're all running MovableType because, go figure, I'll be their support line and I'm most familiar with it. I also think it's the best blogging software out there.

  • Dave Schubert has a blog at his own name .com. He's a busy guy, so he doesn't post too often, but if you're interested in learning theory it's worth a look.
  • José Ramos, my "freakin' Rican" friend, has a blog up at He's busy with a bouncing baby boy, so he doesn't post too often (yet) either, but I keep pushing him to.
  • Gabe Sanchez, a fellow Apple employee (oh wait, every one of these people are Apple employees…) has a blog up at He's an aspiring filmwriter/director, among other things, so I encourage him to be creative in what he posts.
  • Last, but certainly not least, we have Jamie. As a geeky gift I gave her the domain tits and wits .com. The current joke is that it sounds like "tit sandwich" and so that's the name she's given it for now. She's been looking around for things like "" and others, and so I figure "titsandwits" is a clever little take-off of "beauty and brains." The point, in general, though is that just because someone is female does not mean they're girly or stupid.

So,, and Somehow all of those make somewhat less cool, don't they? At any rate, check 'em out, leave a comment, make them feel welcome. Thanks.

Flirting and Loving

In this article, which originally appeared on Salon and is now on, Lori Leibovich puts forth the possibility that the key to a long-term Relationship (with an uppercase 'R') is flirting. Not with each other - but with the various people one encounters in daily life: the ladies on your block or the neighborhood butcher and baker.

Daylight Saving Time

I forget where I found this link, but here it is: Daylight Saving Time. Unlike many others, I couldn't care less about the hour I "lose" or "gain" due to DST. It comes on a Sunday - a day on which I traditionally have had nothing to do. Whether I get up at 7 or 8 or 8 or 7 matters not to me. I get up, I go about my day, and I go to bed when I'm tired. Do people really get out of sorts due to an hour less (or more) sleep? I couldn't care less.

Total number of clocks or watches adjusted: wristwatch, microwave, coffee pot, stove, phone, cell phone, TiVo, and car. Six.

OneWord: Reluctant

"Reluctantly crouched at the starting line" isn't that the intro to a Cake song or something? I think so. Last night Jen invited me to go to a movie with two of her friends, and I was "reluctant" to go because I like to concentrate on the friendship I already have instead of "making nice" with two people I'll probably never meet again. Today I'm reluctant to go into work, or really just lazy. I wanted to stay and read. That's not reluctant.

This 60-second entry was brought to you by today's word from OneWord™.


Why is it that you can lay on the beach, and then get tired? What about the sun, and getting cancer a tan, that fatigues you? The small headache I have right now I can understand - I haven't eaten much today and try as I might, I couldn't block the sun from making my eyes feel a little burnt out today. But the fatigue? What's up with that?

OneWord: Permanent

I'm in a mushy mood having just watched Ed and they say that love is permanent, but what does that mean? What's so permanent about two people having an awesome time for decades and then turning into worm food? Is the necessity of "everlasting love" tied to religion in that there is an afterlife? That makes no real sense and I'd edit if I could but this is OneWord and youc can't do that. Love is permanent? Permanent is as permanent does.

This 60-second entry was brought to you by today's word from OneWord™.

Phone Ban

MobileTracker has a little ditty on the possible Boston Mobile Phone Ban. It was my understanding that you could only be punished in NYC if your phone rang. Am I misunderstanding the NYC law?

March 2003 Zeitgeist

Every month (since last month) I post my site's referral search terms (not what people search for on my site). It's an interesting peek that illustrates "how people are finding me." Here's March's…

Rock Climbing 5.8

I can now safely say that 5.8's are well within my abilities as a rock (wall) climber. After beating a few 5.9's and 5.8's, towards the end of my climbing session tonight, I tried 5.8 I'd never done before and climbed fairly easily to the top, no problems. The 5.8 that's been giving me trouble (it's a long reach with a hand to an awkward hold for me) was conquered fairly easily today. I'll give it a go next time and a 5.9 I failed at after keeping a hold longer than I thought I might.

Jamie made my weekend with one word: "beef." It's what's for dinner.

No Pants Fridays

Chris Pirillo proposes "No Pants Fridays" just as the episode of Sports Night (episode 22) in which Dan and Casey have no pants comes on. I've been watching my Sports Nights DVDs while doing work yesterday and today.

My Pirates are Undefeated

I don't expect it to last, of course, but right now my Pittsburgh Pirates are at the top of their division with a perfect 4-0 record, having beaten Cincinnati 10-1, 7-4, 7-5, and Philadelphia 9-1, all on the road. Outscoring your opponents 33-11 is nothing to be sneezed at, nor is scoring 33 runs in four games. The Pirates almost never get off to a fast start. Predicted to finish next-to-last in their division, here's to hoping they make things interesting this year…

P.S. Heh heh, Eric, that's 1-0 in favor of my Bucs so far. I wonder if he'd be up for a little wager…?