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QotD: Color Elimination

Question: If you could eliminate one main color (purple, green, blue, red, black, white, brown, etc.) from existence, what color would get the heave-ho?

My Answer: I'm going to have to go with orange. Even though it's one of my favorite colors, I think red and yellow could more than make up for its loss. Brown is even a shade of orange, in a way, but is the color of dirt and cooked beef, so we definitely want to keep brown around.

You are encouraged to answer the Question of the Day for yourself in the comments or on your blog.

Rich vs. Richer

Call me a jackass (no, really), but I love it when rich people act like children. It somehow makes the world seem a bit more fair.

"It's the billionaires fighting the millionaires," Jennings says. "The haves vs. the have-mores -- fun for the press," La Costa Beach homeowner Jodi Siegler says.

The debate? Whether - and where - to allow access to the sandy beaches fronting the homes of people like Goldie Hawn and David Geffen in Malibu, CA. My take? Fuck yeah! Money doesn't buy you the right to own the waterfront, and blocking people from getting there is not the way to go either.

QotD: Consent

Question: If you could set a national age of consent, what would it be?

My Answer: Though I know far too many people who only half-jokingly say things like "if there's grass in the field, play ball," my answer is a very solid, very firm "18."

You are encouraged to answer the Question of the Day for yourself in the comments or on your blog.


Two things I learned today:

  1. You can not ship pornographic movies to the state of Florida (and a few other states).
  2. Sex and the City is pornography.

In other words, I attempted to pre-order an entire collection of Sex and the City DVDs and was told by the DVD site (I won't say which) that they couldn't be shipped to me because pornographic materials cannot be shipped to Florida.

Funny, that certainly doesn't stop my monthly Playboy

P.S. Even funnier considering I've heard Tampa is the porn capital of the U.S.

Old Adium Logs

This script made short work of 58 "out of date" Adium log folders:

property logsFolder : "Gaia:Users:iacas:Library:Application
set cutoffDate to ( (current date) - (90 * days) )
tell application "Finder"
set folderList to (folders of folder logsFolder)
repeat with i from 1 to count of folderList
set AliasPath to item i of folderList as alias
set folderMod to modification date of (info for AliasPath)
if folderMod

Note: that first line is wrapped so it'll fit better on this page. Don't wrap your logsFolder if you use this script.

Kayak Lessons

Some things I learned tonight on the Apartment Pond as I will now call the pond in the middle of my apartment complex:

  • If you paddle really hard around in a circle, you can catch your own wake (until you tire out).
  • I need scupper plugs for a few of my scuppers.
  • I need a hat without one of those beans on top - carrying 65 lbs on your head is only made tougher when a small chunk of metal is being pushed into your noggin.
  • I could use a paddle snap or a paddle-holding system of some kind.
  • My kayak floats in about 4 inches of water.
  • When a fish jumps out of the water nearby, it can be scary.
  • I love those little paddle drips that form a widening triangle of expanding circles.
  • It's dark, my kayak is dark, and if you wear dark clothing you may as well be invisible. Ask the two people who had sex on their balcony while I sat talking on the phone with my parents not more than 50 yards away.

I bet nobody makes waterproof cases for iPods, do they? Hmmmm…


Seen on a mailing list:

There are better solutions out there. After doing ColdFusion work for over a year now, I would be *seriously* bummed if I had to go back to a working with a wordy scripting language like PHP or VB ASP.

Uh huh, no. Gabe and I once quoted someone a $15,000 job which existed as a CFM crap-ball. We figured it'd cost the client more if we worked with their existing .cfm stuff, and it'd be easier, faster, and more stable (etc. etc.) to redo the site in PHP and MySQL.

I have never, never had the desire to learn or use ColdFusion. Ever. And comparing PHP to ASP is a sin in my book too.

QotD: Best of Women

Question: What's the best thing about women?

My Answer: Cop-out answer: there's no one thing. Each woman has her own unique qualities. Real "I'm being forced to answer my own question properly" answer: they're not men. What do I mean? That they have a whole different approach to life. I think that if men and women were the same, life would be fairly boring.

You are encouraged to answer the Question of the Day for yourself in the comments or on your blog.

Women, Or the Lack Thereof

Erik:   But like I said, it's fun to be alone too sometimes.
Friend: Well, I'm alone 90% of the time, I know what it's like.
Erik:   I'm in a sappy mood tonight man as well, I could use a
        girl around sometimes.
Erik:   I'm alone just as much, you know that.
Erik:   Get a dog. 
Friend: Bah
Erik:   You can't fuck 'em, but at least they're someone to take
        up room in your bed.
Friend: Girlfriends can be thrown out when you don't like them.

QotD: Diet

Question: If you had to characterize your diet in one word, what would that word be?

My Answer: Meat. And don't go taking that any weird ways, you perverts. 🙂

You are encouraged to answer the Question of the Day for yourself in the comments or on your blog.

Kayaking Loxahatchee

Today, while wrapping things up at a client meeting, the talk turned to kayaking. I mentioned that I'd just picked up a kayak and my clients, having been adventurous sea touring kayakers before they moved to Florida, gave me some good tips on locations nearby. One of those locations was Loxahatchee National Park, about 15 minutes from where I live.

FTPeel 1.0

ftpeelicon.gifFTPeel 1.0 is out. You can buy it, try it, or learn more about it.

I would like to give a big thumbs up to Nick Zitzmann, who's worked tirelessly on FTPeel the past few months. After I handed over a code base - and a long list of things yet to be done - he began work and is just now completing it. To those who helped with the public betas, also a big thank you.

I don't feel like writing a whole lot, but I am very pleased with this release. It's a 1.0 release, but it's quite fully featured and it only looks to get more stable and powerful in the future. We hate bloat, so we're not just going to add features for bullet points, but we do have some features in the works.

At $19, how can you go wrong? Buy FTPeel, and if you buy it, leave a note here saying you've done so and I'll email you a registration for Booklet.

QotD: Star Wars

Question: If you could be any Star Wars character, who would you be, and why?

My Answer: I'd choose not to be a Star Wars character. Rather, I'd choose to be a real-world person who could somehow convince George Lucas to hire someone to write the scripts. That way, we wouldn't end up with lines like "Anakin: I killed them all, the women and children, like the animals they are. Stupid Woman: Awwwww, come here and give me a hug." If I had to pick, though, I'd choose to be R2D2. Nobody's as reliable as that bucket.

You are encouraged to answer the Question of the Day for yourself in the comments or on your blog.

Speaking of Grammar…

My previous post reminded me of a sign I saw outside of the Sam Snead Bar in the Palm Beach International Airport when I was waiting to pick up my mother and grandma last Thursday. The sign, very professionally designed, said something like:

Get Your's Today!

How many people making more than $50,000/year let that one slip through without correction? See if I ever go into a Sam Snead Bar anytime soon.

I Speaks Good and Runs Intel

This is too good to pass up. It's an interview with Intel VP Pat Gelsinger. Here are some good quotes. If you're a fan of grammar, well, prepare to wince.