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Continuing Possibilities

Last night I had another wonderful time with a cute, fun, intelligent girl. I'm always excited when I meet someone new. She's sarcastic (a good thing), she's geeky (a great thing), and she's adorable in the mature-but-still-energetic-and-spontaneous sort of way. Well, and other ways too. I'm absolutely looking forward to the next time I get the chance to see her. I don't want to get too far ahead of myself, of course, but I've definitely enjoyed the time we've spent together.

TrackBacks for Pirillo

The man behind, or rather, right in front of Rent My Chest .com has added TrackBack to his blog. Not much more to say about that at this point. As for sugar, well, I like it!

My Googlism

According to my Googlism:

erik barzeski is the editor of apple wizards
erik barzeski is a bit tense about some of the things being said by mac fans and writers

I'm not sure how it works. I was the editor of Apple Wizards. That ended in 2000. And of course I'm tense about the main tool I use to forge my livelihood, you're damn skippy! 🙂 I'm just glad "erik barzeski is a coke-addicted sexaholic" didn't pop up. Damn that would have been embarrassing. (I wonder if typing that out like that will lead to it eventually showing up… eek!)

Try it yourself: Incidentally, "bill gates is satan" and "steve jobs is full of shit."

X vs. XP

X vs. XP is a topic that's recently been discussed on a mailing list to which I subscribe. Someone quickly pointed out X vs. XP the website, a well-designed, simple guide. However, I thought I'd collect the list's responses and organize them for our own little "master list." It's important to take stock of where an OS is, so after the "things it gets right" list, we'll tackle the "vice versa" list: what XP does better than X.

Nearly none of the below are my words, though I have tried to edit to remove duplicates and condense items where possible.

Survivor 6.5

Another week of Survivor, and another entry from me. I'll link to - and read - Nick's commentary later. No dreams about it last night, nobody cleaning the steps in a jungle, and no large black men. In fact, having just said that, Survivor is an entirely white game now: Daniel is gone, Religious Bitch is gone. Of course, there were only those two to start, but still… Let's review what happened this week.


parental_advisory.gifSome of the banners at are pretty funny. Among my favorites, "I blogged your mom" and the one you see to the right. I've put the one to the right in my "critical info" section on the left for shits and giggles.

If you're a fan of what that site has to offer, and want to flex your creative muscle and get "in" with at least a few bloggers, perhaps you can take over the site. It seems that's what the current owner is looking for…

Starting a Blog (with MovableType)

Everyone and their brother's got a blog now, and when I was starting out, I had to learn some things the hard way. So, I've compiled a few of the best tips I could find into a couple of hints. Many of them deal with MovableType, but they can be applied to any CMS or blogging package. They're the tips I wish I had when I was starting out, and I hope that you find them helpful as well.

Florida Blogs

I've got a bit of time and the necessary skills: I want to start a "Florida Blogs" directory site. I've seen some others - I think Texas has one, New York has one, etc. I'd like to start a Florida blog. You could find people nearby with zip or area codes, by name, by interest, stuff like that. I'd use it to find out what people do for entertainment around here, to get a finger on my local buzz (perhaps that buzz is just the whine of the old people's respirators, I don't know).

Are there any Florida bloggers who would like to help? I don't want to make the site all "my ideas" because, well, my ideas are only the ideas of one man and I'm quite positive the more ideas the better. IM ("iacas" on AIM) or email me (click "iacas" below). Or post a comment, if you must, but leave a valid email address.

I'll host and develop the site if that's required. Anyone interested?

Loving French, Uhh, Desserts

I noticed that number five in the top Ten Reasons to Love France was "the food." French food - rather, food named "french" - has been in the news lately, so I thought I'd share my take on French food.

Go to the Head of the Class

I guess this isn't what they meant by getting ahead in school…

Mount Clemens attorney Robbie D. Lang has filed a lawsuit against the Lake Shore school district in hopes of getting his client, a 14-year-old eighth-grader at Kennedy Middle School, back in classes. Lang said the boy was "victimized" Feb. 6 when a female student performed oral sex on him during a science class.

Full story can be found at Supermodels are Lonelier Than You Think.

Dream: Me on Survivor

I woke up fairly early this morning and decided to go back to sleep. I went back to sleep for about an hour, and at some point I started dreaming. I decided awhile ago to blog all of my dreams because supposedly that will help you have or remember more (not blogging, just retelling it).

A Saint He is Not

My fellow Cocoa Dev Central mates will appreciate the humor in this:

WHiTESAiNT: yea you fuckin faggot learn how to program bitch
Erik:       Enemies are a good thing. Without Bluto, Popeye's
            just a vegetarian sailor that likes anorexic chicks.
            Call me, especially if it's before 4 or 5.
WHiTESAiNT: im jp i love u
WHiTESAiNT: learn how to program bitch!!!

This guy IMs our staff from time to time, asks the simplest stupid questions, wants people to write code for him, and then when told politely that you're busy, launches into tirades like that. It's amusing for about four seconds. But my IM policy is that we should all be adults, so I don't block anyone. I just don't respond to them (the Popeye thing was my away message).

American Idol: 12 Contestants

I'm finally getting around to watching American Idol - Nick beat me to it. Let's see what I have to say, shall we? We shall, because as I mentioned earlier, this is my blog.

The theme this week is MoTown. The "you chose the wrong song" thing at the beginning is setting the stage. The composer is in the studio and is a guest judge this week. That's pretty cool, and I wonder if they're going to do that every week. I've never heard of his name, but he wrote a lot of pretty damn popular songs.

Field of Myself

I won a national award for this poem, but it's a bit of a farce. I wrote it in 1995.

Microsoft Ho: Say Baaaah

When my hardware and OS vendor says jump, I try to evaluate my needs to determine whether I need to jump. I would like to hope that is the same for everyone. I guess not:

Hmm, Microsoft is adding webcam support to its instant messenger. I guess I gotta go and get a webcam again.

If you don't need a webcam, why go buy one just because they're adding support to their messenger? Guess what, Microsoft Ho: you've been able to use a Webcam for some time now. Says the Ho: "How High?"